27 October 2011

dinner for my parents!
lotus root, baby bamboo shoots, shitake mushroom and carrots with brown rice
and miso soup with beech mushrooms.

also, new to ANAISE...
delicate jewelry by odette!


Jocy said...

So lovely! I hope you had a wonderful dinner.

Belinda said...

That sounds so delicious.

erica said...

mmm, i love lotus roots. plus, they're so beautiful to look at!

Anonymous said...

the shape of the lotus root reminds me of some past jewelry shapes by odettte, so pretty. the new jewelry in the shop is gorgeous, too.

C SATHAL said...

Enjoy and bon appétit :)

greenbeenfood said...

i love odette and one day i am going to own one (or several) pieces of her jewellery! dayle

celia said...

i love lotus root. how was the dinner? sounds delicious!