08 November 2010


my favorite things from the weekend...

+ a romantic dinner
+ spending time with the people i love
+ celebrating diwali and p's home-made samosas
+ cinnamon toast and cafe au lait at trouble coffee
+ some old motown!


Michelle said...

I've never tried to make samosas but I love them so much I may have to attempt them some day!

margaret said...

That is a very cool vase... might I ask where it's from?

popcorn plays said...

that first image is so beautiful.

R.G. said...

me too, michelle! i'll let you know if i find a good one.

hi margaret! i'm not sure who makes it, but i bought it from the mcevoy ranch shop...


margaret said...

hi renee! shucks, they don't carry it on their webshop. thanks for the info, though, and as always i love your photo adventures.

MANDY said...

All sounds pretty good to me .... nice weekend indeed !!!

gini said...


Belle Fleur de Lis - Lotte Janssens said...

sounds great

kristina - no penny for them said...

ohhhh. more than perfect.