11 October 2010


i love how mild sunlight becomes in fall


Maggie said...

Beautiful, the first photograph especially. I too have been enjoying the sun in Autumn, though where I live (Seattle), the light seems hard and bright these days.

Where were these photos taken? It looks like a gorgeous, peaceful place.

R.G. said...

Hi Maggie!

These were taken in Pacifica along the coast...really beautiful place.

Belle Fleur de Lis - Lotte Janssens said...

I love the sunlight in autumn.
wonderful pictures.

Unknown said...

oh you always find some magic...merci!

Cheryl said...

I love Pacifica! I need to make a trip there soon. Are those IM boots?

R.G. said...

Hi CC!

Yes! I really love them (and everything else she makes.

P R I M O E Z A said...

your photos really are beautiful.

Cheryl said...

I have the same pair in that color! i had to get them resoled, because i wore them so much...good as new.

Melanie said...

these are lovely!!

joyce said...

beautiful, renee. these make me homesick for california.

Anonymous said...

the sunlight is mild, and so are the colors here. these 3 are great together.