28 September 2010


hello again!

went home for a little bit.
roses, lemongrass, fig leaves, and mint from my mom's garden.
it felt so good to be home again!


stina honey said...

That is such a wonderful print on your skirt.

erica said...

beautiful fig leaves. and the rachel comey print, one of my favorites.

Cheryl said...

Hi! Your blog is such a visual treat. When I saw the RC print my heart thumped...I wanted the blouse version of that print, but i never found it in my size. I still think about that particular print a lot so when i saw your photo it made my day.

Jennifer said...

Haha...that print totally caught my eye (no pun intended)! I was going to ask who it was by...I see it's by Rachel Comey from other's comments :)

...I am such a Comey addict!

Lovely photos of the bounty from your mother's garden.

Belle Fleur de Lis said...

the first image is very lovely, love the shape of the leaf

P R I M O E Z A said...

the garden must smell beautiful.

kristina - no penny for them said...

oh, i wish i had a garden too...

WSAKE said...

beautiful pictures - and that eye-print...amazing...
i love the leafs of our fig trees too, they are so special.

Anonymous said...

to echo the thoughts of the others - that RC print is so magnificent.

such evocative images, too! :)