03 February 2009

this morning's breakfast


Toujours Dimanche said...

Oh, is this a regular Tuesday breakfast? Beautiful and surely tasty.

pigeon.toed said...

that looks so good! that sure knocks out my apple and coffee for breakfast!

amy said...


Michelle said...

hmph, I had left over mexican, your's looks wayyyy better.

cuteseas said...

oh boy that looks gooood!

Anonymous said...

dont berries make a breakfast look so much more appetizing?

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh, this is making me drool...:P

Fifikoussout said...

how lovely !!!

Angela said...

So so pretty! & so so yummy too!

Anonymous said...


Joanna Goddard said...

yummy. i had grape leaves this morning but they weren't nearly as good as this looks!

seo said...

Strawberries contain ellargic acid — also found in raspberries, blackberries, cranberries, grapes, cherries, walnuts, pecans and Brazil nuts — which acts as a scavenger to “bind” cancer-causing chemicals, making them inactive. It inhibits the ability of other chemicals to cause mutations in bacteria. In addition, it prevents binding of carcinogens to DNA and reduces the incidence of cancer in cultured human cells exposed to carcinogens.

therese said...

Thanks for the post, and looking forward for your next post.

JD said...

Nice post you have got there Tes hope to read more of your post soon.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the post, and waiting for your next post.

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