24 January 2009

small 'gardens' i loved in kyoto.
i am thinking about making a small garden for the spring.
i will have to be careful where i place my plants this time. last season i planted lavender but someone ran over it with the lawn mower.


the healthy ghost said...

That´s gorge your pictures are awesome¡

cuteseas said...

absolutely darling

Anonymous said...

lovely..oh do it...but yes, pleae find a mower-free place...(actually montréal is pretty good with gardens...) love that.

Anonymous said...

This is adorable, love gardeners everywhere no matter the space. Sorry about your plant and the lawn mower-ouch!

Anonymous said...

Small gardens... yes, I love them too. They always seem to make me smile.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Fashion Serial Killer said...

there's a really cool succulent garden/porch in Venice along the boardwalk. I wish my front yard looked like that, or the ones you posted!