hej! i'm back from beautiful stockholm and reykjavik...and have so much to show you! i fell head over heels for their...
:: minimalist designs + details
:: breakfast! give me soft boiled eggs, cheese, smjör (butter), sliced cucumbers, and crusty bread every morning, and i'll be a happy girl for life. the food is absolutely incredible, so fresh. oh, and i am now addicted to lingonberry drink!
:: nature. the white bark of birch trees. all that green, wow.
:: scandinavian friendliness, humor, and wit. and their love for nature.
:: fashion! lots of jeans tucked into boots, short skirts with warm tights, cozy sweaters and loose, drapey scarves. black, grey, dark wintry shades everywhere.
all about reykjavik tomorrow!
i was totally inspired by your breakfast and this morning i had exactly the same! :)
It all sounds so great! Can't wait to see more pictures!
oh how i hope to travel there one day! i can't wait to hear and see more. ..breakfast sounds delicious.
and thanks so much for your compliment on my banners! it means an extra lot coming from you because you have such great taste! ..every now and then i struggle a bit with the banners because i'm afraid people (will) see them as tacky or "too much", when that is not my objective at all! :)
I just found your blog and think it is so beautiful. I had a hard time choosing which post to comment on but just wanted to let you know! yummy food pics. :)
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