28 August 2007

made in finland

...by ivana helsinki (via imedagoze)


Unknown said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE these photos! I want to BE that model!

Beklina said...

IvanaHelsinki is my favorite designer right now. I'm so in love with their style and take....So edgy and feminine. I'm tickled pink, because we'll going to have their part of their Fasan collection available in just a few weeks. I can't wait :)

Lyn said...

these are the kind of photos in which you wish you lived. thanks for sharing. would love her coat. ;)

Anonymous said...

wow, those egg chairs float????
that's amazing!
now i really want one!

Liivia said...

This photos would be from my cottage...

R.G. said...

hello everyone!

platinum blonde... ;) oh i agree, these photos are so beautiful, and the scenery too!

beklina...i can't wait either! :)

lyn...me too, i love how simple that coat is. reminds me of a raincoat i had when i was little.

llivia...!!! you are so lucky to have such beautiful surroundings! can jennine and I borrow your floating egg chair sometime? ;)